Translation for "a short while ago" to spanish
Translation examples
I had a visit from the Commissaire a short while ago.
Hace un rato he tenido la visita del comisario.
She appears to have died a short while ago.
Parece ser que murió hace un rato.
“It was traced in blood on the horizon just a short while ago.”
Estaba escrito con sangre en el horizonte hace un rato.
This one was found, a short while ago, when the watch was changed.
Esta la encontraron hace un rato, con el relevo de la guardia.
They are hiding in the reeds-I saw them a short while ago.
Están escondidos en los cañaverales, los vi hace un rato.
I think I saw my brother ride in a short while ago.
Me pareció ver a mi hermano cabalgando hace un rato.
You stated a short while ago that different words make a difference.
Hace un rato has manifestado que el empleo de distintas palabras supone una diferencia.
A short while ago, I got a phone call about it in this room.
Hace un rato recibí una llamada referente al caso en esta misma habitación.
My husband, just a short while ago, gave me the exact same news.
—Es que mi marido, hace un rato, me dio el mismo anuncio.
You say you ran across this global financial juggling act only a short while ago.
—Dices que encontraste este acto global de malabarismo financiero hace poco tiempo.
But he failed to find him at that time, and it was only a short while ago that this brother located you.
No pudo encontrarlo en aquella época, pero hace poco tiempo que este hermano creyó haberlo descubierto… en usted.
The father he has known up till a short while ago would, he is certain, have had no use for them.
El padre que conocía hasta hace poco tiempo no habría querido saber nada de ellas, o eso piensa Walter.
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