Translation for "be thrust" to spanish
Translation examples
At any moment, Titus half expected to hear Narcissus call his name, to feel the hands of the garlic-stinking Praetorian upon him, and to be thrust before Claudius to beg for his life.
Casi esperaba que Narciso pronunciara su nombre en cualquier momento, sentir encima las manos del pretoriano que apestaba a ajo y ser empujado delante de Claudio para suplicarle que le perdonara la vida.
The former shopkeeper from small-town Missouri has been Vice President for less than three months before suddenly being thrust into the role of President of the United States.
El ex comerciante de una pequeña ciudad de Missouri ha sido Vicepresidente de menos de tres meses antes de repente ser arrojado a la función del Presidente de los Estados Unidos.
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