Translation for "been examined" to spanish
Translation examples
Remains have been examined by the pathologist...
Los restos han sido examinados por el patólogo...
The body has already been examined...
El cuerpo ya ha sido examinado ...
Has she been examined... by a qualified doctor?
¿Ha sido examinada... por un médico calificado?
-l've already been examined!
- Ya he sido examinada!
-Istill haven't been examined. -Dr.
- Todavía no he sido examinado.
I've been examined by the best. It's not an illness.
He sido examinada por especialistas antes.
I’ve been examined and evaluated.”
He sido examinada y evaluada.
The fact had been examined and accepted.
El hecho había sido examinado y aceptado.
He had been examined in the Lower City office.
Había sido examinado en Ciudad Baja.
"He's been examined a half-dozen times for it.
Ha sido examinado media docena de veces por esa causa.
It's been examined. He was dressed.
Ya lo han examinado.
It's been examined by metallurgists and biologists... and so far all they agree on... is that it was grown to suit a purpose.
Lo han examinado expertos en metales y biólogos. Y hasta el momento todos coinciden en que cumple un propósito.
She has been examined by several doctors.
La han examinado distintos médicos.
They have been examined twice like everything else.
Las han examinado dos veces, como todo lo demás.
The drain where you said you put your wife's body, it's been examined.
Han examinado el drenaje donde usted dijo que puso el cuerpo de su esposa.
If they tried for a baby for years, and have been examined, - you shouldn't torment yourself.
Si intentaron por un bebé por años y se han examinado, no debes atormentarte.
There's no money missing, but the case has been examined.
No falta dinero, pero lo han examinado.
Has May O'Brien's finger been examined since her arrest?
¿Han examinado el dedo de May O'Brien desde que la arrestaron?
We'll see There tools are inherited from a thousand years ago, and have been examined more than a thousand years.
Ya veremos herramientas allí se heredan de hace más de mil años, y se han examinado más de mil años.
“You’ve been examined by Sensitives, Mr Pelt.
—Te han examinado varios sensitivos, Pelt.
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