Translation for "countries called" to spanish
Countries called
Translation examples
The Statistical Commission uses groups of experts from countries (called city groups) to develop methodology in specific substantive areas that are then considered by the Commission.
La Comisión de Estadística utiliza grupos de expertos de países (llamados grupos de ciudades) para preparar una metodología sobre cuestiones sustantivas concretas, que luego examina la Comisión.
There was a Cabaret and there was a master-of-ceremonies and there was a city called Berlin in a country called Germany.
Habia un Cabaret y habia un maestro de ceremonias y habia una ciudad llamada Berlin en un pais llamado Alemania
The result was that the American public was reacquainted with the fact that there were indeed two countries called China, and that only one of them killed people of the clergy and then beat up on those who tried to say a few prayers on a public street.
Esto sirvió para recordar al público norteamericano que existían dos países llamados China y que sólo uno de ellos mataba curas y maltrataba luego a quienes sólo pretendían rezar unas oraciones en una calle pública.
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