Translation for "doing with yourself" to spanish
Translation examples
Alex, what are you doing with yourself?
Alex, ¿que estás haciendo contigo mismo?
"So what have you been doing with yourself?"
¿Qué has estado haciendo contigo misma?
“I don’t know what you’ve been doing with yourself, but it has made you soft. Come now.
No sé qué has estado haciendo contigo mismo, pero te ha convertido en un blando.
What are you doing to yourself?
¿Qué te estás haciendo a ti misma?
“What are you doing to yourself ? What’s going on?”
“¿Qué te estás haciendo a ti mismo? ¿Qué está sucediendo?"
Don't you see what you're doing? To yourself. To me?
– ¿Es que no ves lo que estás haciendo?, ¿a ti mismo?, ¿a mí?
Mat thought. Burn you, what are you doing to yourself?
—pensó Mat—. ¡Maldita sea, mira lo que te estás haciendo a ti mismo!
We both loved you so, you had always been so brave for us, all those dull years your bright voice, your prettiness, we were terrified over what you were doing to yourself with Peter.
Los dos te queríamos, tú siempre habías sido tan valiente para nosotros, todos aquellos años tu voz brillante, tu belleza, nos aterraba lo que te estabas haciendo a ti misma con Peter.
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