Translation for "emotional upsets" to spanish
Emotional upsets
Translation examples
Hence, they are much more likely to experience a sense of rejection and a great emotional upset when they perceive themselves as being rejected by other people.
Por lo tanto, son mucho más propensos a experimentar una sensación de rechazo y un gran trastorno emocional cuando perciben que son rechazados, que otras personas.
However, any emotional upset
Sin embargo, cualquier trastorno emocional
You can recover from any emotional upset, while I fetch my writing equipment.
Puedes recuperarte del trastorno emocional mientras yo voy a buscar mis utensilios de escritura.
“I ask you again, Herr Professor: What was the underlying cause of Cazalis’s emotional upset?”
Vuelvo a preguntarle, Herr Profesor. ¿Cuál era la causa subyacente del trastorno emocional de Cazalis?
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