Translation for "family of one" to spanish
Family of one
Translation examples
- I meant a family of one.
- Una familia de uno.
The family of one of them is also involved
La familia de uno de ellos es también participan
"Why has the family of one of grandview's slain soldiers "petitioned the pentagon for an investigation into the incident?
¿Por qué la familia de uno de los soldados muertos de Grandview... pidió al pentágono una investigación del incidente?
Uh, this was the family of one of our guys
- Era la familia de uno de los nuestros.
You said it yourself, you're a family of one.
Tú mismo lo dijiste. Eres una familia de uno.
You asked him to arrest the family of one of your delegates.
Le pediste que arrestase a la familia de uno de tus delegados.
"It's the family of one of the guards you killed." Could you give me something?
"Es la familia de uno de los guardias que mataste".
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