Translation for "family one" to spanish
Translation examples
This is your plan... to strip me of my family one by one?
Este es tu plan... ¿despojarme de mi familia uno por uno?
And now they're taking my family one by one.
Y ahora están tomando a mi familia uno por uno.
Must have been one of the family, one of the brothers.
Tuvo que ser alguien de Ia familia, uno de nuestros hermanos. ?
Winston has two families, one at Westminster...
Winston tiene dos familias, uno en Westminster...
In our family one should be used to surprises.
En nuestra familia uno debe ser usado para sorpresas.
Then he'll kill his whole family, one by one.
Luego matará a toda su familia, uno por uno.
He's part of their family, one of the remaining heirs.
Él es parte de la familia, uno de los heredero que quedan.
Supposing that a family One of the member has an advanced mental disorder.
Piensa en una familia uno de los miembros tiene un trastorno mental avanzado.
My friends, my family-- one by one, I've lost every single person in my life.
Mis amigos, mi familia... uno por uno. He perdido a todas las personas de mi vida.
The whole family one by one started coming out.
Toda la familia, uno por uno, salió.
The sacredness of family: one of her themes.
El carácter sagrado de la familia: uno de sus temas.
It's a family on a farm.
Es una familia en una granja.
Not enough to start a family on, is it?
No podrá fundar una familia.
An honest family on the streets, eh?
Una familia honrada en la calle, ¿verdad?
I want to have a family one day.
Algún día quiero tener una familia.
One big family, one big family.
Una familia grande, una famiia grande.
"You won't raise a family on that."
"No podrás mantener a una familia".
"One family, one foot of mouth"
Una familia, son muchas bocas.
You got a family on the way.
Tienes una familia en camino.
You can't raise a family on paintings
No puedes mantener una familia pintando cuadros.
If she had a family—one child—
¡Si tuviéramos una familia!, aunque fuera un solo hijito...
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