Translation for "have with" to spanish
Have with
Translation examples
Of the couples without children, 49 per cent expressed an intention to have two children, 11 per cent an intention to have three children and 28 per cent to have none.
De las parejas sin hijos, el 49% expresó su intención de tener dos hijos, el 11% de tener tres y el 28% de no tener ninguno.
Then they said Iran could not have this, could not have that.
Luego dijeron que el Irán no podía tener esto, que no podía tener lo otro...
The right to have a family shall include the freedom to have children as they may wish.
El derecho a tener una familia incluye la libertad de tener el número de hijos que se desee.
To have a family 91.1
Tener una familia
(a) To have, not to have, or to cease to have a religious belief;
tener, no tener o dejar de tener una creencia religiosa;
Having too many priorities was tantamount to having no priorities.
Tener demasiadas prioridades equivale a no tener prioridades.
having no children
:: No tener hijos
What business could you possibly have with His Royal Highness?
"¿Qué asunto podrías tener con Su Real Majestad?"
The conversations I've missed having with Mom.
Las conversaciones que han faltado tener con mamá.
What other business would I have with a corpse?
¿Qué más asuntos puedo tener con un cadáver?
- that you want to have with him?
- que quieres tener con él?
- What shall I have with it?
- ¿Qué voy a tener con él?
No, I should have with them the I go.
No, debe tener con ellos la Me voy
What business could he have with Neal?
¿Qué negocios podía tener con Neal?
Thankyou. We're also privileged to have with us...
Somos tan privilegiados por tener con nosotros,
What business do you have with the Professor?
¿Qué negocios quieres tener con el profesor?
What kind of life could you have with him?
¿Qué clase de vida ibas a tener con él?
To Have and Have Not
To have a thousand and not to have a thousand—
Tener mil y no tener mil...
Having a dog is like having a child.”
Tener un perro es como tener un hijo.
They could have - must have - very short -" "No!"
Podrían tener..., deben tener..., una muy... –¡No!
Why have D’ni when they could have this?
¿Para qué tener D’ni cuando podían tener esto?
He can’t both have a girl and not have her.
Que no puede tener y no tener a una chica.
To have medicine. To have a mobile phone.
Tener medicina. Tener un teléfono móvil.
Great examples. To have debts is to have something.
Son grandes ejemplos. Tener deudas es tener algo.
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