Translation for "it was recently" to spanish
It was recently
Translation examples
Recently clarified cases
Casos aclarados recientemente
They were recently released.
Recientemente fueron liberados.
A. Recent progress
A. Progresos realizados recientemente
Has served recently as:
Recientemente ha actuado en calidad de:
And more recently:
Puede mencionarse más recientemente:
Project recently initiated.
El proyecto se inició recientemente.
Recently clarified case
Caso recientemente resuelto
There have been improvements recently.
Recientemente, ha habido mejoras.
For a number of read recently
Sustitúyase una serie de por recientemente
The one recently injured in an automobile accident?” “Not so recent,”
¿El que resultó herido en un accidente de automóvil recientemente? —No tan recientemente.
“Not recently, actually.”
—No recientemente, es cierto.
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