Translation for "lawyer and judge" to spanish
Lawyer and judge
Translation examples
The Judicial Complaints Authority was composed of eminent lawyers and judges with decades of experience.
La Dirección de Denuncias Judiciales está compuesta por eminentes abogados y jueces con décadas de experiencia.
D. Lawyers and judges 38 40 10
D. Abogados y jueces 38 40 9
Incentives and training were also provided to lawyers and judges.
También se establecieron incentivos y se impartió capacitación a abogados y jueces.
In addition, the possibilities offered by the Act are not sufficiently well known to lawyers and judges.
De otro lado, las posibilidades que ofrece la LEg no son suficientemente conocidas por abogados y jueces.
4. Measures against lawyers and judges
4. Medidas contra abogados y jueces
There are also pages with more detailed information meant for lawyers and judges.
Hay otras páginas con información más detallada para abogados y jueces.
The present members of the Committee included lawyers, former judges and businessmen.
En la actualidad, la Comisión incluye abogados, ex jueces y empresarios.
Lawyers and judges invoked those rights in connection with various cases before the courts.
Los abogados y jueces invocaban esos derechos en relación con los casos presentados ante los tribunales.
Similar volumes for prison officials, and for lawyers and judges will be forthcoming in 1996.
En 1996 se publicarán volúmenes similares destinados a funcionarios de prisiones y abogados y jueces.
So before things get all complicated with lawyers and judges, we gotta get this right.
Así que antes de que se compliquen las cosas con abogados y jueces, tenemos que resolver esto.
But that would mean lawyers and judges. And, as you say, time is of the essence.
Pero eso significaría abogados y jueces, y como usted ha dicho, el tiempo es vital.
A consortium of Court Street lawyers and judges.
Un consorcio de abogados y jueces.
- You're lawyer and judge. Rule in the best interest of your client.
-Ud. es abogada y juez y le pido que dé el veredicto que más convenga a su cliente.
Yes, he went to see the Lawyers and judges.
Sí, él fue a ver a los abogados y jueces
- Dennis, in my desk I have contacts for lawyers and judges.
Dennis, en mi escritorio tengo contactos de abogados y jueces.
My dad knows every lawyer and judge in Los Angeles.
Mi padre conoce a cada abogado y juez en Los Ángeles.
Which means that police,and lawyers,and judges shouldn't get married?
- Ya veo. ¿Es decir que la policía, los abogados y jueces no deberían casarse?
Without all the goobly-goop of lawyers and judges and the system and stuff. - Hmm.
Sin esas monsergas de abogados y jueces y el sistema y esas cosas.
The lawyers and judges glanced at their watches.
Abogados y jueces consultaban sus relojes.
Cops and prosecutors, defense lawyers and judges-everybody knows they lie. They lie solemnly;
Policías y fiscales, abogados y jueces saben que mienten. Mienten solemnemente;
Every lawyer and judge in the state claimed to know someone who knew something about the Baker verdict.
Todos los abogados y jueces del estado aseguraban que conocían a alguien que sabía algo sobre el caso Baker.
“Each year the bar association publishes a directory of all the lawyers and judges,” Theo answered.
—Todos los años, el Colegio de Abogados publica un directorio de todos los abogados y jueces en ejercicio —contestó Theo.
Lawyers, notaries, judges, court appearances, the indecency of reporters digging into your private life ad nauseam.
Abogados, notarios, jueces, comparecencias, la inmundicia periodística hurgando en tu vida privada hasta la náusea.
Fucking lawyers and judges who used words and a certain irritating tone and there wasn’t a thing you could do about it . . .
Mierda de abogados y jueces que usaban términos y tonos irritantes mientras tú no podías hacer nada…
Mike was one of the few DAs, lawyers and judges who did not think of her initially as Frank Jaffe's little girl.
Mike era uno de los pocos fiscales, abogados y jueces que no habían visto en ella solo a la hijita de Frank Jaffe.
Women are now lawyers and judges who put innocent men and women in jail, who exploit the poor, who support institutionalized racism.
Las mujeres ahora son abogadas y juezas que mandan a la cárcel a hombres y mujeres inocentes, que explotan a los pobres, que apoyan el racismo institucionalizado.
Misguided parents, teachers, and principals, aided and abetted by lawyers and judges who should know better and probably do, are trying to stamp out ideas.
Padres, profesores y directores, equivocados todos ellos, ayudados y apoyados por abogados y jueces que bien deberían saber lo que hacen, y que probablemente lo saben: intentan censurar ideas.
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