Translation for "leaving them" to spanish
Leaving them
Translation examples
It was leaving them behind.
Estaba dejándolos atrás.
There was nothing to be gained by leaving them alone.
No, no se ganaba nada dejándolos tranquilos.
“Yes, let’s run away—leave them all!
–¡Sí, huyamos… dejándolos a todos!
They fled, leaving them here alone.
Huyeron, dejándolos aquí solos.
With that she withdrew, leaving them alone.
Con esas palabras se retiró, dejándolos a solas.
Falkender left, leaving them alone.
Falkender abandonó la sala, dejándolos a solas.
The other children had passed on in, leaving them alone.
Los otros alumnos habían entrado, dejándoles solos.
The last thing she wanted was to die and leave them alone.
Ante todo no quería morir dejándolos solos.
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