Translation for "let it out of" to spanish
Translation examples
Just open the door and let him out.
Abre la puerta y déjalo salir.
roared the Emperor’s voice and then: “Let her out!”
—dijo la voz del Emperador—, ¡déjala salir!
Let her out, Diana,” my father urged.
Déjalo salir, Diana —me animó mi padre—.
‘Then let her out,’ Marcus snapped.
—Pues déjala salir —dijo Marco de golpe—.
Let her out, she doesn’t even go here,” says Clarice.
Déjala salir, ella no debería estar aquí —dice Clarice—.
"Let her out and you can live," the dragon said in Stryker's voice.
Déjala salir y te dejaré vivir —dijo el dragón con la voz de Stryker.
Let him out, Jean, and I'll take him home before your father gets back.
Déjalo salir, Jean; me lo llevaré a casa antes de que vuelva tu padre.
She trembled uncontrollably, convulsively. "Let it out," I told her. "Don't be frightened of it.
Tiritaba sin poderlo evitar, entre convulsiones. —Déjalo salir —le dije—. No tengas miedo.
‘We don’t want to let it out.
No podemos dejarlo salir.
“I don’t want to let it out.”
—No quiero dejarlo salir.
But he didn’t want to let it out.
Pero no quería dejarla salir.
‘But I can’t let you out of this room.
Pero no puedo dejarle salir de esta habitación.
But it was so hard for him to let them out.
Pero le resultaba muy difícil dejarlas salir.
the ardent said. “You can’t let him out.
—dijo el fervoroso—. No puedes dejarlo salir.
Bad for the kids, couldn't let them out at all."
Malo para los chicos, no podía dejarlos salir.
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