Translation for "natural that be" to spanish
Translation examples
- Maintenance of natural development processes in natural ecosystems;
- Apoyar los procesos naturales de desarrollo de los ecosistemas naturales;
(a) Crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids;
a) Petróleo crudo, gas natural y gas natural licuado;
A natural law is a natural law.
Una ley natural es una ley natural.
It is a simple logic of natural birth, natural living, and natural death.
Es una lógica simple de nacimiento natural, vida natural y muerte natural.
It was so natural for him. It was so natural.
Era algo tan natural para él. Era tan natural.
capable of anything, a natural leader, a natural Muslim, a natural chief – in short, nothing but an apparition.
capaz de todo, un líder natural, un musulmán natural, un jefe natural;
They were not a natural phenomenon, but they were natural to us.
No se trataba de un fenómeno natural, pero para nosotros era algo natural.
They had been natural then--but they weren't very natural now.
Entonces había sido algo natural, pero no eran muy naturales ahora.
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