Translation for "put to rest" to spanish
Translation examples
Grandpa Albert needs to be put to rest properly.
Abuelo Albert debe ser poner a descansar adecuadamente.
And in my opinion, we can put to rest those grisly rumours that Eddie Wilson's still alive somewhere.
Y, en mi opinión, podemos poner a descansar los rumores espantosos que Eddie Wilson sigue vivo en alguna parte.
We're here today to put to rest some of the issues that have plagued Duncan since you, let's say parted from him.
Estamos hoy aquí para poner a descansar algunos de los problemas que han plagado a Duncan ya que, digamos se separaron de él.
With 1,200,000 lire will put to rest Drudo Parenti?
¿Con 1.200.000 liras se va a poner a descansar Drudo Parenti?
It struck me suddenly what consolation it would be to know Satan, to look upon his face, no matter how terrible that countenance was, to know that I belonged to him totally, and thus put to rest forever the torment of this ignorance.
De repente se me ocurrió qué consuelo sería conocer a Satán, mirarlo a la cara, por más terrible que fuera su aspecto, para saber que le pertenecía totalmente y, de ese modo, poner a descansar para siempre el tormento de esa ignorancia.
And with a mere stroke of my brush, your frenzy is put to rest.
Y con un simple toque de mi cepillo, su frenesí es puesto a descansar.
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