Translation for "said sophie" to spanish
Translation examples
- You said Sophie would want me to move on with my life.
- Usted dijo Sophie le Quiero que me mude con mi vida
I mean, you said Sophie wouldn't want me to be miserable the rest of my life, right?
Quiero decir, usted dijo Sophie que no me quiere ser miserable el resto de mi vida , ¿verdad?
‘That was it,’ said Sophie. ‘That was what?’
—Eso era —dijo Sophie. —¿Eso era qué?
‘No, I’m not,’ said Sophie.
—No, nada de eso —dijo Sophie—.
The, too,' said Sophie.
–Yo también -dijo Sophie.
‘What was it, then?’ said Sophie.
—¿Qué era, entonces? —dijo Sophie.
‘Not Dennis,’ said Sophie.
—A Dennis no —dijo Sophie—.
I didn't know what to do. Leo would have known. He would have said, "Sophie. We must call someone," and he would have had the number right there, ready.
No sé qué hacer. Leo sí lo habría sabido, habría dicho: «Sophie, tenemos que llamar a alguien», y entonces habría encontrado el número enseguida, lo tendría a mano.
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