Translation for "sophia said" to spanish
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Sophia said: “I’m frightened, Charles.
Sofía dijo: —Tengo miedo, Carlos.
they had filmed part of it here. Sophia said, "Thank you."
en parte había sido rodado aquí. Sofía dijo: —Gracias.
Sophia said, "Your future must differ from your past.
Sofía dijo: —Tu futuro debe diferir de tu pasado.
Sophia said urgently, "Arkady, either the field will snap or the wall will."
Sofía dijo con insistencia: –Arkady, o se partirá el campo o se romperá la pared.
they had filmed part of it here. Sophia said, “Thank you.” “Are you Christ?”
en parte había sido rodado aquí. Sofía dijo: —Gracias. —¿Eres Cristo?
I must have looked rather doubtful, for Sophia said sharply: “Why the disapproving look?”
Debí mostrar mi disconformidad porque Sofía dijo vivamente: —¿Qué es lo que desapruebas?
Sophia said, “I tell you in truth, in very truth, none of you will forget me.
Sofía dijo: —En verdad, en verdad os digo: ninguno de vosotros me olvidará.
"We're approaching the junction, little Sophia," said Dezhnev in a curiously tight voice.
–Nos acercamos al cruce, pequeña Sofía –dijo Dezhnev con voz curiosamente tensa–.
Magda murmured, “Such a fuss!” as she followed them, and Sophia said that she must see about my room.
Magda murmuró: —¡Tanto alboroto! Y le siguió, y Sofía dijo que tenía que ocuparse de mi habitación.
Sophia said something, something about my father being in the CIA.
Sophia dijo algo... sobre que mi padre trabajaba para la CIA.
Sophia said he had different ideas about how to adapt, that he's less patient, impulsive.
Sophia dijo que tenía ideas distintas sobre cómo adaptarse, que era menos paciente, impulsivo.
- Sophia said she liked it.
-Sophia dijo que le gustaba.
We were backing down the driveway and Sophia said I ran over Mrs Stofer.
Eché marcha atrás y Sophia dijo que había atropellado a la Sra. Stofer.
‘That’s mighty kind of you, Sophia,’ said Sven.
—Eres muy amable, Sophia —dijo Sven.
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