Translation for "single family" to spanish
Single family
Translation examples
She was thinking of moving into a single-family house.
Estaba pensando trasladarse a una casa unifamiliar más grande.
The neighborhood of single-family homes was quiet.
El barrio era tranquilo, lleno de casas unifamiliares con jardín, separadas por setos.
The former single-family dwellings were identical frame bungalows.
Las antiguas casas unifamiliares seguían siendo chalecitos de madera.
Condos, ski runs, shops, and single-family homes.
Edificios de apartamentos, pistas de esquí, tiendas y viviendas unifamiliares.
The neighborhood was close to the beach and consisted almost entirely of single-family dwellings.
El barrio estaba cerca de la playa y se componía casi íntegramente de viviendas unifamiliares.
A single-family house has five exposed faces—that is, the roof and the four sides.
Una vivienda unifamiliar tiene cinco caras expuestas, o sea, el tejado y los cuatro lados.
It was sort of a second-place neighborhood with a mix of apartment buildings and single-family homes.
Era un barrio más de segunda fila, con una mezcla de edificios de apartamentos y viviendas unifamiliares.
The neighborhood, like mine, was a curious combination of single-family dwellings and small commercial enterprises.
El barrio, al igual que el mío, era una curiosa combinación de viviendas unifamiliares y pequeñas empresas.
From the look of it, Sufi's was still a single-family dwelling, but it had a shabby air.
A juzgar por su aspecto, la casa de Sufi todavía era una vivienda unifamiliar, aunque estaba ya algo estropeadilla.
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