Translation for "trailing edges" to spanish
Trailing edges
Translation examples
She was powered by two Bugatti T50B auto-racing engines, had forward-swept wings and a revolutionary system of variable wing geometry, a system of self-adjusting split trailing edge flaps that responded to airspeed and manifold pressure and then automatically set themselves into any of six different positions: takeoff, cruise, high-speed dash, descent, landing, rollout.
Estaba propulsado por dos motores de carreras de autos Bugatti T50B, tenía alas en flecha invertida y un sistema revolucionario de geometría variable, un sistema de flaps de borde de salida autoajustables que respondía a la velocidad del aire y la presión de admisión y adoptaba automáticamente seis posiciones diferentes: despegue, crucero, alta velocidad de punta, descenso, aterrizaje, exposición.
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