Translation for "turn toward" to spanish
Turn toward
Translation examples
She turns toward me, and with two fingers she gently caresses my eyelids.
Se da vuelta hacia mí y con dos dedos recorre suave mis párpados.
La Menou, dumbfounded, turned toward the newcomer and looked at her for the first time as though she were a human being.
La Menou, estupefacta, se da vuelta hacia ella y la considera por primera vez como un ser humano.
Suddenly he turned toward me, gazed at me with frightened respect, then grabbed my right hand and bent down to kiss it.
De golpe, se da vuelta hacia mí, me observa con un temeroso respeto, y tomándome la mano derecha, se inclina para besarla.
Turn towards Bertrand.
Giraros hacia Bertrand.
You think Chitra will turn towards you.
¿Crees que Chitra girará hacia usted.
- Yes. Turn toward the camera.
Girar hacia la cámara.
Now, should Your Majesty's attention turn towards the republic of the Dutch, behold!
Ahora, si la atención de Su Majestad girar hacia la república de los holandeses, he aquí!
If you should feel something during the interview, like an... an... an emotion, if you... if you have some tears, could you just turn towards...
Si siente algo durante la entrevista, una emoción... Si tiene algunas lágrimas, podría girar hacia... la cámara.
I don't want to turn towards the wall.
No quiero girar hacia la pared.
Just turn towards it is the best way, I'm told.
Sólo con girar hacia ella es suficiente, me han dicho.
Now we'll start again... and when you come to when you say "What's the point?" I want you to make a turn, half turn towards the window.
Cuando digas: "¿Qué sentido tiene?", te girarás hacia la ventana...
I'm about to turn towards the border.
A punto de girar hacia la frontera.
They are turning toward residential neighborhoods.
Van a girar hacia barrios residenciales.
I sat down, expecting him to turn toward me.
Me senté, esperando que se girara hacia mí.
I pulled at Emil’s arm and turned toward freedom.
Tiré del brazo de Emil y busqué girar hacia sitio seguro.
And I waited for it to turn toward me, but for a long time it didn’t.
Y esperé que el barco girara hacia mí, pero no lo hizo hasta pasado un largo rato.
He was about to turn toward the table when Rhy held out a hand.
Estaba a punto de girar hacia la mesa cuando Rhy estiró la mano.
He managed to get turned toward the door, then found himself toppling to the floor.
Logró girar hacia la puerta, pero terminó cayendo al suelo.
Matthew and I watched him go before turning toward the Blackfriars. “What happened?”
Matthew y yo esperamos a que se alejara antes de girar hacia Blackfriars. —¿Qué ha pasado?
“We don’t have much choice,” Jasnah said, causing him to turn toward her.
—No tenemos mucha elección —dijo Jasnah, haciendo que el hombre se girara hacia ella—.
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