Translation for "fondé est" to english
Translation examples
Le territoire compte quatre partis politiques : le Virgin Islands Party (VIP), fondé en 1971; le United Party, fondé en 1966; le Concerned Citizens' Movement, fondé en 1994; et le National Democratic Party, fondé en 1998.
9. There are four political parties in the Territory: the Virgin Islands Party founded in 1971; the United Party founded in 1966; the Concerned Citizens' Movement founded in 1994; and the National Democratic Party founded in 1998.
:: Associé fondateur
:: Founding Partner
Bailleurs de fonds (à rechercher)
Donors (to be found)
Fondée en 1959.
Founded in 1959.
Partiellement fondées
Partially founded
a) Partenaire fondateur.
(a) Founding partner.
Fondée en 1950.
Founded in 1950.
Attends, je ne pense pas que "fondé" est un mot, non ?
Wait, I don't think "founded" is a word, is it?
Le Trade Mart, que j'ai fondé, est notre accès commercial à l'Amérique latine.
The Trade Mart I founded is America's commercial pipeline to Latin America.
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