Translation for "grouiller de" to english
Grouiller de
Translation examples
swarm of
Le lac empeste et ça grouille de moustiques.
The lake stinks to high heaven and the swarms of brine flies....
Ça grouille de journalistes.
It's crawling with reporters.
Ça grouille de calamars.
-Lines are crawling with calamari.
L'endroit grouille de Redcoats.
Place is crawling with Redcoats.
Ça grouille de vampires.
It's crawling with vampires.
- Tu grouilles de lutins.
- You are crawling with Brownies.
Ça grouille de boches.
Place is crawling with Krauts.
La région grouille de Comanches.
Country's crawling with Comanche.
- Ca grouille de réplicateurs.
- (Sam) It's crawling with replicators.
Il grouille de caresseurs.
It's crawling with strokers.
Ca grouille de flics.
It's crawling with cops.
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