Translation for "non de" to english
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Translation examples
- Non, De Vaca.
- No, no, De Vaca.
Non, de Patricia.
No, no, not the race...
- Non, de L'ambassadeur.
-No, no, the ambassador.
Votre fils... il a été victime de ces drogues, et non de la police.
Your son... He was a victim of those drugs, not of the police.
"non de l'oubli, mais de la vie éternelle,
grass not of forgetting but of eternal life,
"Non de l'homme,"
Not of the man.
II est comme vous, un homme de foi et non de raison.
He is like you, a man of faith, not of reason.
Le mariage d'une reine se nourrit de politique et non de sentimentalisme.
The marriage of a Queen, Excellency, is born of politics, not of childish passion.
Frère Hogue, c'est l'heure de la méditation, non de la luxure.
- Hang in there. - Brother Hogue, this is a time for deep and serious reflection; not of base and vile lust.
Vous me semblez fatigué. Vous avez peur de vous-même... et non de nous.
You sound tired and afraid of yourself not of us.
Et non de combattants ivres.
-Not of drunken, analphabet soldiers!
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