Translation for "pas devenir" to english
Translation examples
Cela doit devenir la norme.
This should become the norm.
devenir Partie
Procedure for signing and becoming a Party
Devenir partenaire
Becoming a partner
Qu'allons-nous devenir
What shall we become?
<< Je rêve de devenir médecin.
My dream is to become a doctor.
Devenir un État indépendant
Become an independent state
C'est grâce à l'éducation que la fille d'un paysan peut devenir médecin, que le fils d'un mineur peut devenir chef des mines, que l'enfant de travailleurs agricoles peut devenir Président d'une grande nation."
It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farmworkers can become the president of a great nation.
Et ne pas devenir de bons amis.
And not become good friends.
Je ne vais pas devenir nonne, Will.
I'm not becoming a nun, Will.
Pourquoi ne pas devenir vraie famille?
Why not become real family?
On ne va pas devenir des moines.
We're not becoming monks or something.
Je ne veux pas devenir infirmière.
Like, I'm not becoming a nurse.
Ils vont pas devenir végétariens.
They are not becoming vegan. Okay?
- Elle va pas devenir une femme.
She's not becoming a woman, Teddy.
Je ne vais pas devenir un cliché.
I will not become a cliché.
Vaut mieux pas devenir amis.
Let's not become friends.
Je ne voulais pas devenir imitateur.
I didn't want to become an impressionist.
Je ne veux pas devenir-
I don't want to become like-
Tu voulais pas devenir medecin ?
Didn't you want to become a doctor?
Vous ne vouliez pas devenir le diable.
You didn't want to become evil.
Je ne veux pas devenir comme vous.
Well, i refuse to become you.
Je ne veux pas devenir ça.
I don't... I don't want to become that.
- Je ne veux pas devenir légiste.
- lf l have to become a coroner.
Tu ne veux pas devenir comme ça !
You don't want to become this.
Je ne veux pas devenir folle.
I don't want to become mad.
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