Translation for "refléter son" to english
Refléter son
  • reflect his
  • reflect its
Translation examples
reflect his
J'avais besoin de refléter son apparence, pour le mettre en échec.
I have to reflect his appearance in order to beat him.
Peut-être que son... attitude agressive reflète son besoin d'être... mieux informé de ce qui vous arrive, de prendre part à votre décision, de comprendre votre façon de penser.
Perhaps his... his aggressive attitude reflects his need to be... more aware of what's happening to you, to be part of your decision, to understand your thought processes.
reflect its
Ce n'est pas Ià-haut. Là, ce n'est son reflet, son contour.
It's not up there, that's its reflection, its contour.
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