Translation for "continúa en el camino" to english
Continúa en el camino
  • continue on the road
  • continues on the road
Translation examples
continue on the road
Si continúa por ese camino, advirtió, terminará esta conversación.
"If you continue down that road," he said, "this conversation is over.
Pero volvió a montar su caballo y continuó por el camino que había elegido, con la tenue esperanza de encontrar alguna cabaña donde pedir alojamiento y comida.
But he remounted his horse and continued along the road he had chosen, in the faint hope of finding some cottage where he might ask for shelter and a meal.
Cuando pasé por una fase en que me dio por fotografiar muchachas en enormes recipientes de vidrio, me preguntó para qué, con tal desprecio, que no continué por ese camino; pero cuando le describí el retrato que tomé de una familia de artistas de un circo pobre, desnudos y vulnerables, se interesó al punto.
When I went through a phase in which I photographed girls in huge glass receptacles, he asked why I did it with such scorn that I did not continue down that road, but when I described to him the portrait I took of a family of itinerant circus artists, naked and vulnerable, he was immediately interested.
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