Translation for "ellos resistido" to english
Ellos resistido
Translation examples
Esas actividades no son resistidas por los dirigentes palestinos.
These efforts are encountering no resistance from the Palestinian leadership.
Por fortuna, algunos países han resistido a esos intentos.
Fortunately, some countries had resisted those attempts.
En otros casos, son los grupos de inmigrantes los que se han resistido a la integración social.
Elsewhere, immigrant groups have resisted social integration.
Ha resistido la ocupación.
He has been resisting occupation.
Esto debe ser enérgicamente resistido e impedido.
This must be strongly resisted and prevented.
Walmart se había resistido durante mucho tiempo a crear sindicatos.
Walmart has for a long time resisted the creation of trade unions.
El pueblo cubano siempre ha resistido y no dará un paso atrás.
Cuba had always resisted. It would not budge.
Otras tendencias, en cambio, han resistido las intervenciones de política, o no se han tratado apenas
But other trends have resisted policy intervention - or have barely been tackled
No obstante, los mercados financieros se han resistido a esta mejora.
However, financial markets had resisted that improvement.
La guerrilla ha tomado acción retaliatoria contra pobladores por haberse resistido a sus acciones.
The guerrillas have retaliated against civilians for putting up resistance to their operations.
Yo me he resistido. —¿Te has resistido?
I have resisted it.” “Resisted it?
Pero no se había resistido.
But he had not resisted.
¿Por qué no se había resistido?
Why had he not resisted?
—Se han resistido al arresto.
“They resisted arrest.”
—¿Y usted no se hubiera resistido?
“You wouldn’t resist?”
Que hubieran resistido durante siglos.
That they’d resisted for centuries.
a eso me he resistido siempre.
I have resisted that.
Habían resistido a los ingleses.
They had resisted the English.
Habían resistido a los franceses.
They had resisted the French.
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