Translation for "enviarlo de vuelta" to english
Enviarlo de vuelta
Translation examples
El 3 de octubre de 2011 el abogado del autor informó al Comité de que el 24 de agosto de 2011 las autoridades suizas habían decidido aceptar al Sr. Jahani como refugiado y no enviarlo de vuelta a la República Islámica del Irán, medida que, a su juicio, es adecuada.
On 3 October 2011, the complainant's counsel informed the Committee that on 24 August 2011, the Swiss authorities decided to accept Mr. Jahani as refugee and not to send him back to the Islamic Republic of Iran; he finds this measure adequate.
Solo voy a enviarlo de vuelta aquí.
I just want to send it back.
Nadie es capaz de enviarlo de vuelta
No one can send it back.
Tengo que enviarla de vuelta.
I have to send her back.
—Vais a enviarla de vuelta a un...
Sending her back to . . . to . . .’
No iban a enviarlo de vuelta.
They weren't going to send him back.
Enviarla de vuelta —sugirió Rakeri.
Send her back,” Rakeri suggested.
Vamos a enviarlos de vuelta allí.
We are going to send you back in.”
—¡Voy a enviarlo de vuelta con su madre!
“I’m sending him back to his mother!”
Vas a enviarlos de vuelta heridos.
You’re sending them back walking wounded.
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