Translation for "es e inducido" to english
Es e inducido
Translation examples
Inducidos legalmente
Legally induced
De los cuales fueron inducidos
Of which; induced terminations
Abortos inducidos legalmente
Legally induced abortions
¿O las ha inducido en otros?
Or induced the same in others?
—Hipnotismo inducido… —No…
"Induced hypnotism…" "No—"
–Un estado de monomanía inducida.
“An induced state of monomania.”
—Un ataque, inducido artificialmente.
‘A stroke. Artificially induced.’
En esta fuga inducida por la droga.
This drug-induced fugue.
Él me ha inducido a hacerlo.
He has induced me to do it.
Pero ¿eran en realidad inducidas psíquicamente?
But were they really psychically induced?
–Defínalo como un estado inducido de monomanía.
“Defined as an induced state of monomania.”
Has inducido a un actor famoso...
You induced a famous actor…
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