Translation for "flores era" to english
Flores era
Translation examples
- Venta de flores y plantas;
- Selling flowers and plants;
Antes yo no sabía que las flores se exportaban, porque para nosotros en el trópico las flores son de lo más corriente, uno no se preocupa por las flores.
I did not know that people exported flowers, because we in the tropics take flowers for granted. One does not bother with flowers.
Una cosecha de espinas o de flores.
A harvest of thorns or of flowers.
El conglomerado de las flores cortadas de Kenya
The cut-flower cluster in Kenya
Flores cortadas (8,75)
Cut flowers (8.75)
E. Vendedores de flores "invisibles": inmigrantes vendedores de flores en Turín
E. "Invisible" flower sellers: migrant flower street vendors in Turin
- Elaboración de flores artificiales
- Artificial flower-making
La industria de las flores cortadas en Kenya
The cut flowers industry in Kenya
Flores cortadas - en condiciones de campo; Flores cortadas - protegidas; Flores cortadas, bulbos - protegidos; Arroz (paquetes para consumo); Fresa - en condiciones de campo; Fresas trepadoras;
Cut flowers - field; Cut flowers - protected; Cut flowers, bulbs - protected; Rice (consumer packs); Strawberry fruit - field; Strawberry runners;
Amor, cuando estabas hablando de las flores, ¿era una metáfora sobre algo?
Honey, when you were talking about those flowers, was it a metaphor for anything?
- No, la flor era para mí.
- No, the flower was for me.
Cuando era joven, no se estilaban mucho las tarjetas, un ramillete de flores era suficiente para un enamorado.
When I was a girl there was very little call for cards, a posy of flowers was thought sufficient as a Valentine.
En la Tierra de Dios, la flor era el ladrón del templo.
"On God's green earth, this flower was the thief in the temple.
Flor del azafrán, la primera, flor muerta, flor de los revolucionarios.
Crocus, first flower, dead flower, flower of revolutionaries.
—Eran las flores —indicó. —¿Qué flores?
"That was the flowers," she said. "What flowers?
¡Flores y opio, opio y flores!
Flowers and opium, opium and flowers!
Flores del norte. Flores de los renos.
Flowers of the north. Reindeer flowers.
unas flores que eran el ideal de flor al que podían aspirar las flores de nuestro mundo.
flowers that were the flowers that our flowers of the world might become!
—¿Cómo están tus flores? —No son sólo flores.
“How are your flowers?” “Not just flowers.
Estaban sembradas de flores, cubiertas de flores.
They were strewn with flowers, frilled with flowers.
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