Translation for "flores eran" to english
Flores eran
Translation examples
Pero esas flores eran lilas.
But those flowers were purple!
Las flores, eran de él.
The flowers were from him.
Bueno, las flores eran preciosas.
Well,the flowers were beautiful.
Virginia, las flores eran una disculpa.
Virginia, the flowers were an apology.
Las flores eran para mí!
The flowers were for me!
¿Qué clase de flores eran?
What kind of flowers were they?
Bueno, las flores eran preciosas, Tess.
Oh well, the flowers were lovely, Tess.
Esas flores eran una locura.
Those flowers were insane.
Las flores eran maravillosas.
The flowers were wonderful.
Las flores eran gardenias.
The flowers were gardenias.
Claro que las flores eran preciosas.
But the flowers were beautiful.
—¿Qué clase de flores eran?
“What kind of flowers were they?”
Las flores eran sencillamente maravillosas.
The flowers were simply wonderful.
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