Translation for "juzgar se" to english
Translation examples
Juzgar y actuar.
Judging and acting
aplicados para examinar, cuestionar, juzgar y
for examining, questioning, judging and cross-examining
- La competencia del Tribunal para juzgar el caso;
- The competency of the Tribunal to judge the case.
Después, se juzgará a los acusados y se pronunciará la sentencia.
The accused will then be judged and sentenced.
La historia nos juzgará en función de ellas.
History will judge us by them.
Hay cosas que la historia se encargará de juzgar.
There are things which are to be judged by history.
La historia juzgará las causas de este fracaso.
The causes of this failure will be judged by history.
- Juzgar las solicitudes de adopción y sus incidencias;
Judging petitions for adoption and their incidents;
Sólo la historia nos juzgará.
Only history will judge us.
Juzgar de tribunales superiores
High court judges
–Eso ya lo juzgaré yo.
'I'll be the judge of that.
Por ellos se os juzgará.
By these, you shall be judged.
—¿Quién soy yo para juzgar eso?
            "I'm no judge."
Era difícil de juzgar.
It was difficult to judge.
—¡No quiero juzgar!
Not trying to judge!
—¿Y quién los juzgará?
And who will judge?
—No es necesario juzgar.
There is no need to judge.
Ellos no lo podían juzgar.
They couldn’t judge.
A juzgar por las caras, no.
Not to judge by their faces.
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