Translation for "mente consciente es" to english
Mente consciente es
Translation examples
Nuestra mente consciente es capaz de decidir lo que es más importante para nosotros.
Our conscious mind is capable of deciding what's most important to us.
Pero la mente consciente... es como un planeta al borde de una galaxia distante, muy lejos de donde lo bueno está pasando.
But the conscious mind is... is like a planet on the edge of a distant galaxy, far away from where all the cool stuff is happening.
Aprendemos a olvidarnos de la mente consciente.
We learn to be forgetful of the conscious mind.
La mente consciente pone una barrera.
The conscious mind sets up a barrier.
—Porque su mente consciente los hizo encajar.
Because his conscious mind made them fit.
no me habían llegado, al menos a mi mente consciente.
that had not gotten through, at least not to my conscious mind.
Al menos eso era lo que recordaba su mente consciente.
At least, that's what he remembered in his conscious mind.
Nuestras emociones no pueden sustraerse a nuestra mente consciente.
Our emotions cannot slip by our conscious minds.
Su mente consciente era una confusa masa de terror.
his conscious mind was a pulpy churning mass of terror.
Su mente consciente intentó analizar débilmente el motivo.
His conscious mind dimly tried to analyzewhy.
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