Translation for "mentes conscientes" to english
Mentes conscientes
Translation examples
Su mente consciente no recordara.
His conscious mind won't remember.
Arrastro todo hacia mi mente consciente.
I drag everything into my conscious mind.
Ahora están en la mente consciente.
Now they're in the conscious mind.
Llamamos a esto la mente consciente.
We call this the conscious mind.
... Y vivir con su mente consciente deseada.
...and live with your desired conscious mind.
Sí, "deseado mente consciente."
Yes, "Desired conscious mind."
Podría entrar en su mente consciente.
I could go into his conscious mind.
Aprendemos a olvidarnos de la mente consciente.
We learn to be forgetful of the conscious mind.
La mente consciente pone una barrera.
The conscious mind sets up a barrier.
—Porque su mente consciente los hizo encajar.
Because his conscious mind made them fit.
no me habían llegado, al menos a mi mente consciente.
that had not gotten through, at least not to my conscious mind.
Al menos eso era lo que recordaba su mente consciente.
At least, that's what he remembered in his conscious mind.
Nuestras emociones no pueden sustraerse a nuestra mente consciente.
Our emotions cannot slip by our conscious minds.
Su mente consciente era una confusa masa de terror.
his conscious mind was a pulpy churning mass of terror.
Su mente consciente intentó analizar débilmente el motivo.
His conscious mind dimly tried to analyzewhy.
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