Translation for "olvidarse de su" to english
Olvidarse de su
  • forget your
  • forget his
Translation examples
forget your
No puede olvidarse de su cumpleaños.
You can't forget your own birthday.
forget his
¿Cómo ha podido olvidarse de su túnica para el peregrinaje?
How could he forget his tunic on a pilgrimage?
Al oírlo hablar era fácil olvidarse de su avanzada edad.
Listening to him talk it was easy to forget his advanced years.
Flory estaba tenso en su presencia, no conseguía olvidarse de su marca de nacimiento;
He felt stiff in her presence, he could not forget his birthmark;
El dolor que retorció las entrañas de Dunk lo hizo olvidarse de su brazo. Gimió.
The pain that twisted inside Dunk just then made him forget his arm. He groaned.
Desde Los Ángeles, Lauren le ha escrito que, para ser sinceros, le está costando olvidarse de su polla.
From Los Angeles she has written that she is, truth be told, finding it hard to forget his cock.
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