Translation for "regalaron" to english
Translation examples
- Me las regalaron.
It's a present.
- Me lo regalaron.
- They gave it to me as a Present.
¿Te regalaron algún obsequio?
Did you get any presents?
—Me los regalaron —farfulló Gavner, ruborizándose intensamente.
"They were a present," Gavner mumbled, blushing furiously.
Les regalaron una caja de vino de arroz a los tíos de Mi-ja.
They presented Mi-ja’s aunt and uncle with a case of rice wine.
la Reina Hipépode y sus Amazonas me regalaron su cota de mallas.
Queen Hippephode and her Amazons presented me with his mail.
Al recién nacido Krishna le regalaron oro, incienso y mirra.
The newborn Krishna was presented with gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Luego regalaron esculturas de águilas a gente que había dado mucho dinero.
Then they presented statues of eagles to people who gave a lot of money.
Los enanos me regalaron oro y joyas cuando vivía en Tronjheim.
The dwarves furnished me with many presents of gold and jewelry when I lived in Tronjheim.
—Palabra de honor, me los regalaron altos empleados de las naciones ocupadas.
On my word, they were presents to me from various high officials in occupied countries.
Y les regalaron Hong Kong.
Give them Hong Kong.
Mis compañeros de orquesta me lo regalaron.
The guys give me 'em, up there in the band.
¿Qué te crees, que me lo regalaron?
What do you think, somebody give it to me?
- ¿Nos regalaron algo?
- They give us something?
Diablos, nena, ¿nunca te regalaron flores?
Damn girl, ain't nobody ever give you flowers before?
¿Finalmente les regalaron a ustedes un corazón?
Great Oz finally give you guys a heart?
Nos lo regalaron los Tomlins por nuestro aniversario, ¿no?
Didn't the Tomlins give this to us for our anniversary?
Se lo regalaron cuando jugaba al béisbol.
They give it to him when he played baseball.
¿Cuántos billetes le regalaron tus padres?
“How many tickets did your parents give her?”
—Pues no —dice Manus—, me regalaron toda esta mierda.
"No," Manus says, "they give me this shit."
Le regalaron banderas y una pequeña insignia a Phillip, y todos los secretarios le llamaban milord.
They had flags and little insignia to give to Phillip, and all the secretaries kept calling him Your Lordship.
–¿Eh? Pues no sé… ¿No podríamos darles todas esas cafeteras exprés que nos regalaron?
Huh? Oh, I dunno. Can't we just give them all those espresso machines we got?
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