Translation for "lo regalaron" to english
Lo regalaron
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Translation examples
Ellos nos lo regalaron.
They gave it to us.
- ¿Se lo regalaron completamente nuevo?
They gave it to you brand new? Well, yeah.
Me lo regalaron para mi no cumpleaños.
They gave it to me for an un-birthday present.
- Te lo regalaron a ti.
- They gave it to you.
Entonces me lo regalaron.
So they gave him to me.
Se lo regalaron cuando cumplió 21 años.
They gave it to her on her 21st birthday.
Más tarde me lo regalaron.
Afterwards they gave it to me.
—Nos la regalaron —explicó ella—.
“They gave us that,” she said.
–¡Fred y George me los regalaron!
Fred and George gave them to me!
Cuando se retiró, le regalaron una mecedora.
When he retired, they gave him a rocking chair.
las Gracias le regalaron sus collares de oro;
the Graces gave her golden necklaces;
Le regalaron camisas que Lee devolvió.
They gave him shirts which he returned.
Mami y papi me lo regalaron por mi confirmación.
“Mammy and Dadda gave it to me on my confirmation.”
Me lo regalaron mis padres un año por Navidad.
My parents gave it to me for Christmas one year.
—Me la regalaron la noche de San Patricio.
‘They gave it me St Patrick’s night,’ he said.
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