Translation for "se vive la vida" to english
Se vive la vida
  • life is lived
Translation examples
life is lived
—Tampoco somos siameses. Él vive su vida.
“We're not exactly joined at the hip. He's got a life to live.”
Parsifal vive su vida según la dinámica de su propio sistema de impulsos hasta que llega a la madurez.
Perceval's life is lived in terms of the dynamic of his own impulse system until he becomes more mature.
Por supuesto, si alguno de ellos, de cualquier lado, tuviese la más mínima comprensión de la emoción o cómo se vive una vida, sabrían exactamente a dónde iba.
Of course, if any of them, on either side, had the slightest grasp of emotion, or how a life is lived, they would have known exactly where I was going.
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