Translation for "ser era" to english
Translation examples
Lo único que siempre había querido ser era policía.
All I ever wanted to be was a cop.
Lo que el queria ser era estrella de cine.
What he was meant to be was a movie star.
Todo su ser era duro y brutal.
His whole being was harsh and brutal.
[cuando simplemente ser era fácil] [sólo teniéndote allí]
¶ when simply being was easy ¶ ¶ just having you there ¶
Todo lo que quería ser era médico.
All I ever wanted to be was a doctor.
Lo que quería ser era bailarín.
No, what I really wanted to be was a... was a ballroom dancer.
Todo lo que querías ser era médico, ¿lo recuerdas?
All you ever wanted to be was a doctor, remember?
La última línea debe ser "era tentáculos todo el tiempo."
The final line should be "was tentacles all along."
Lo que realmente quería ser era bailarina.
What I really wanted to be was a dancer.
Que lo único que podríamos ser era "gangsters"
That the only thing we could be was "gangsters".
Estas casas datan de la época colonial, y no han dejado nunca de ser legales.
Although they date back to the colonial era, they remain legal to this day.
¿Tenía pinta de ser aprensiva?
Era un tipo impressionabile?
Pero eso no podía ser.
Ma questo non era possibile.
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