Translation for "ser era era" to english
Ser era era
  • be era was
  • it was being was
Translation examples
be era was
El papel del multilateralismo y de la cooperación internacional en la época de la mundialización debe ser fortalecido.
Multilateralism and international cooperation in an era of globalization must be strengthened.
5. Crimen y castigo parece ser la receta de la época actual.
5. Crime and punishment seemed to be the pattern characterizing the current era.
Esta visión debe ser la corriente subyacente de la nueva era.
Such a vision has to be the underlying current of the new era.
La migración internacional ha pasado a ser la dimensión central de la era de la globalización.
72. International migration has become a central dimension of the globalization era.
2. Se ha observado que la subasta electrónica inversa puede ser beneficiosa en muchos aspectos.
2. It has been observed that ERAs have many potential benefits.
2. La pobreza de las zonas urbanas debe ser inaceptable en la nueva era urbana.
Urban poverty should be unacceptable in the new urban era.
Esa teoría ya no debería ser pertinente en el nuestro.
Such a theory should no longer be relevant in this era.
Estas casas datan de la época colonial, y no han dejado nunca de ser legales.
Although they date back to the colonial era, they remain legal to this day.
La labor de fijación de normas ha llegado a ser más importante en una era de globalización.
That standard-setting work had become ever more important in an era of globalization.
¿Tenía pinta de ser aprensiva?
Era un tipo impressionabile?
Pero eso no podía ser.
Ma questo non era possibile.
it was being was
Así pues, ser competente equivale a ser competitivo.
Thus, the condition of being competent is equated to that of being competitive.
En consecuencia, pasan de ser migrantes irregulares a ser víctimas de trata.
As a result, they go from being irregular migrants to being victims of trafficking.
Artículo 246 Experimentos no autorizados con seres humanos y clonación de seres humanos.
§ 246 Unauthorised experiment on the human being and the cloning of a human being
Las palabras y los idiomas definen al ser humano como ser pensante.
Words and languages define human beings as thinking beings.
Es la explotación más vergonzosa y humillante de seres humanos por otros seres humanos.
It is the most shameful, degrading exploitation of human beings by other human beings.
El ser se precipita en la nada. El ser es la nada. La nada es el ser.
Being plunges downward into nothing. Being is nothing. Nothing is being.
entre el ser y el no ser.
between being and non-being.
Su ser es todos los seres.
His being is every being.
Entre no ser y ser.
Between un-being and being.
EGIPTO Cuando yo llegué a ser, el (propio) ser llegó a ser, y todos los seres llegaron a ser después que yo llegué a ser.
Egypt When I had come into being, being (itself) came into being, and all beings came into being after I came into being.
Quería castigarlo por ser un borracho, por ser un inútil, por ser indio, por ser maricón.
Punish him for being a drunk, for being a no-account, for being an Indian, for being a queer.
Todo lo que existía era este ser, y este ser lo era todo.
All that was, was this being, and this being, was everything.
Ser no era ser feliz, claro;
Being was not Well-Being;
Ser un juez y ser humano.
Being a judge and being human.”
Ser adultos y ser amigos.
Being adults and being friends.
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