Translation for "sin moverse" to english
Sin moverse
Translation examples
Acuéstese sin moverse.
Lie down without moving.
Esté unos 20 minutos sin moverse.
About 20 minutes without moving.
Podría trabajar sin moverse de su silla.
He could perform useful work without moving from this chair.
Quédese aquí sin moverse.
Stay here without moving.
Ella viaja sin moverse a través del espacio
She travels without moving through space
cómo entra a nuestro campo de juego ¿sin moverse?
How can our player field without moving?
...desde la mañana sin moverse.
... From morning without moving.
Estaban cazando sin moverse.
They were hunting without moving.
Así estuvieron sin moverse.
They stood that way without moving.
—No —contestó sin moverse.
“No,” he replied, without moving.
Ella le había escuchado sin moverse.
She had listened without moving.
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