Translation for "without moving" to spanish
Translation examples
They fell and lay without moving.
Ambos permanecieron tendidos y sin movimiento.
Neutralizing Energy Without Moving a Muscle
Neutralizando la fuerza sin movimiento
The sensation of motion without moving gave him vertigo, and Cole steadied himself against the block.
La sensación de desplazamiento sin movimiento le mareó;
About 20 minutes without moving.
Esté unos 20 minutos sin moverse.
He could perform useful work without moving from this chair.
Podría trabajar sin moverse de su silla.
Look at me without moving.
Míreme sin moverse.
She travels without moving through space
Ella viaja sin moverse a través del espacio
How can our player field without moving?
cómo entra a nuestro campo de juego ¿sin moverse?
... From morning without moving.
...desde la mañana sin moverse.
They were hunting without moving.
Estaban cazando sin moverse.
They stood that way without moving.
Así estuvieron sin moverse.
“No,” he replied, without moving.
—No —contestó sin moverse.
She had listened without moving.
Ella le había escuchado sin moverse.
I can talk without moving my lips
También puedo hablar sin mover los labios.
Letting them die without moving a finger!
Dejarlas morir, sin mover un sólo dedo.
Without moving your feet..
Sin mover los pies ..
Without moving your lips...
Sin mover los labios.
- Yes? Could you try to talk without moving your lips?
Habla sin mover los labios.
Without moving your head, please.
Sin mover la cabeza, por favor.
These guys talk without moving their mouths.
Estos tíos hablan sin mover la boca.
Without moving your lips, Katlin.
Sin mover los labios, Katlin.
- without moving the truck.
- sin mover la furgoneta. - Bien.
‘It spoke without moving its beak.’
Habla sin mover el pico.
he asked, without moving his lips.
—le preguntó sin mover los labios.
Sam murmurs without moving his head.
—susurra sin mover la cabeza—.
I spoke without moving my tongue.
Hablé sin mover la lengua.
The man spoke without moving his head.
—El hombre habló sin mover la cabeza.
snapped Adam, without moving his head.
– saltó Adán, sin mover la cabeza.
he muttered without moving his lips.
—murmuró Hel sin mover los labios.
They did so without moving their feet. Weird.
Lo hicieron sin mover los pies. Extraño.
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