Translation for "temblaba la mano" to english
Temblaba la mano
  • hand was shaking
  • hand he trembled
Translation examples
hand was shaking
Cuando le di el dinero, le temblaba la mano.
When he took my money, his hand was shaking.
Por suerte, tenía tanto miedo que le temblaba la mano.
The only thing that saved him was the man was so frightened his hand was shaking.
Por eso me temblaba la mano. No es un hombre al que se va a ver.
That's why my hand was shaking, because this is not a man you go and see.
Y ninguno de esos tipos estaba presente cuando leíste tu poema en clase y te temblaba la mano por los nervios
None of those guys were there when you read your poem aloud in class and your hand was shaking because you were nervous.
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