Translation for "being modern" to spanish
Translation examples
Well, Shannon, you came to America to be modern.
Viniste a la América para ser moderna.
Let's try to be modern.
Vamos a intentar ser modernos.
One must indeed start off as being modern.
Uno debe empezar en serio por ser moderno.
"We must be modern," he said.
"Debemos ser modernos," dijo.
I'm just trying to be modern and without prejudice here.
Sólo intento ser moderno... y libre de prejuicios.
Why a Black would be modern?
¿Por qué iba a ser moderno un negro?
I was going to be Modern and honest.
Iba a ser moderna y honesta.
- We've got to be modern about it.
Hay que ser modernos.
Hey, not everyone has to be modern.
Ey, no todos tienen que ser modernos.
“It’s got nothing to do with being modern
—Eso no tiene nada que ver con el hecho de ser moderna
But Elsa was the kind of girl who went in for being modern.
Pero Elsa era una de esas muchachas que hacen profesión de ser modernas.
At some point we became aware of being “modern,” of changing fast.
En un momento dado fuimos conscientes de ser «modernos», de estar cambiando deprisa.
His parents had prided themselves in being modern, and would brook no tobacco or liquor.
Sus padres se habían enorgullecido de ser modernos, y no aceptaban ni el tabaco ni el licor.
Guess it's because you like me I know have always taken a pride in being modern and hygienic, but these things they're worse than animals.
Supongo que será porque te gusto que me siento orgulloso de ser moderno y limpio; pero esas cosas son todavía peores que los animales.
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