Translation for "hand trembling" to spanish
Translation examples
‘I tell you this,’ she said, her hand trembling, ‘I’m sick of it all. Those – those fools!
—dijo, con un temblor en la mano—: Que estoy harta de todo. ¡Esos… imbéciles!
Monsieur Robert Darzac seemed agitated. I saw that his hand trembled as it fingered his watchchain.
Robert Darzac pareció inquietarse, cosa que percibí en el temblor de su mano sobre la cadena de su reloj, porque nada se me escapa.
She watched his hand tremble when he took it from the reins to rub the water from his thick brows.
Advirtió un temblor en su mano cada vez que soltaba las riendas para quitarse el agua de sus pobladas cejas.
Harlan didn't answer and now I felt his hand trembling even as his fingers took a firmer grip on my
Harlan no contestó y en ese momento noté los temblores de su mano pese a que ésta agarraba con más fuerza mi codo.
Slowly, left hand trembling slightly, he drew the machete from its stained leather scabbard at his side.
Despacio, con leves temblores en la mano izquierda, sacó el machete de la sucia funda de cuero que descansaba a un lado.
He put the pipe in his mouth and smoked it to a careful coal, watching his hand tremble upon the stem. "Listen.
Se puso la pipa en la boca y estuvo fumando hasta verla bien encendida, observando el temblor de su mano por encima de la boquilla. —Escúchame.
The little pink spots had reappeared on his cheeks. Alice felt his hand tremble in hers, and her own clutch had an unhealthy, equivocal languor.
Los pequeños redondeles rojos asomaban nuevamente a sus mofletes, y Alice percibía el temblor de su mano, que tenía la equívoca morbidez de las manos de un enfermo.
He did not rush, he plunged towards it – almost falling in his haste – he unlocked the grille, pushed it back, he saluted, let them pass, he could feel his heart pounding and his hand trembling against the rim of his cap.
No sólo se apresuró, sino que se precipitó hacia la entrada —a punto estuvo de caerse por la prisa—, abrió la verja, se apartó y saludó con el corazón palpitante y un temblor en la mano que tocaba la visera de la gorra.
Mat’s hand trembled as he raised it to his forehead. “Los Valdar Cuebiyari,” he muttered.
—Los Valdar Cuebiyari —murmuró Mat, llevándose una temblorosa mano a la frente.
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