Translation for "hands trembled" to spanish
Translation examples
His hands trembled with excitement.
Sus manos temblaron de excitación.
His hands trembled on the controls.
Sus manos temblaron sobre los controles.
His hands trembled as he held it.
Sus manos temblaron cuando lo sujetó.
Her hands trembled as she buttoned their pajamas.
Sus manos temblaron mientras les abotonaba los pijamas.
My hands trembled as I read the devastating news.
Mis manos temblaron cuando leí las devastadoras noticias.
My hands trembled on the door of Constance Rattigan's roadster.
Mis manos temblaron sobre la puerta del cupé de Constance Rattigan.
His hands trembled, the hands of the grade school teacher;
Sus manos temblaron, las manos del maestro de la escuela primaria;
Now her hands trembled as she spread the shirt.
Sus manos temblaron ahora al poner la camisa encima del guardafuegos.
The hands trembled slightly, as Newton handed him the bottle.
Las manos temblaron ligeramente, mientras Newton le tendía la botella.
It was touching, her hands trembled.
Fue emotivo, sus manos temblaban.
His hands trembled on the steering wheel.
Sus manos temblaban en el volante.
His rage was such that his hands trembled.
Su rabia era tal que sus manos temblaban.
His hands trembled as he steadied the lamp.
Sus manos temblaban cuando avivó la lámpara.
His eyes were watery, and his hand trembled slightly.
Tenía los ojos cansados y sus manos temblaban un poco.
my hands trembled and my heart pounded madly.
mis manos temblaban y mi corazón palpitaba vertiginosamente.
She went on laying the table, but her hands trembled.
Continuaba poniendo la mesa; pero sus manos temblaban.
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