Translation for "jump about" to spanish
Translation examples
He was accustomed to this husband of his sister’s, who jumped about the earth like a grasshopper.
Estaba ya acostumbrado al marido de su hermana, que siempre parecía a punto de brincar como un saltamontes.
Azorka remembered me, and began to jump about me and lick my hands.
pero Azorka se acordaba de mí y se puso a dar saltos a mi lado y a darme lametazos en las manos.
After putting the mole in his pocket, he began jumping about, hopping from foot to foot, and then he stopped, unzipped his fly, and pulled out a rat.
Primero se metía el topo en el bolsillo y luego empezaba a dar saltos por ahí, brincando de un pie al otro;
Before she got past his puttees, her powers of observation were befogged by excitement, and her wits began to jump about like monkeys in a cage.
Antes de pasar de las polainas, su capacidad de observación se nublaba por el entusiasmo y su mente empezaba a dar saltos como los monos en una jaula.
He threw away his tin pail, jumped about howling and kicking the loose earth with his copper-toed shoes, until his mother was much more concerned for him than for the tree.
Tiró su cubo de hojalata, se puso a dar saltos gritando y soltando patadas a la tierra con sus zapatos de punta de cobre hasta que su madre comenzó a preocuparse más por él que por el árbol talado.
private-room-in-a-bordello stuff but tasteful, he preferred her to undulate rhythmically rather than jump about and shake a leg. He liked her to put on all her bangles and beads when she did her dance, she dressed up in the set of clanking jewellery he'd given her, paste, nothing she could sell or she'd have sold it.
era un baile perfecto para un cuarto privado de un burdel, pero elegante, él prefería que ella ondulara rítmicamente en lugar de dar saltos y estirar una pierna. Le gustaba que se pusiera todos sus brazaletes y sus abalorios para bailar, ella se cubría con todas las joyas tintineantes que él le había regalado, vidrios, nada que pudiera vender porque lo hubiese vendido.
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