Translation for "liberate himself" to spanish
Liberate himself
Translation examples
How could a monk liberate himself?
¿Cómo podía liberarse a sí mismo un monje?
And so, inevitably, in his quest to liberate himself from Walter, he was drawn to entrepreneurship.
Y por tanto, inevitablemente, en su afán por liberarse de Walter, se vio atraído hacia la actividad empresarial.
But however strong his desire, an ascetic often found that it was extremely difficult to liberate himself from the material world.
Pero por muy fuerte que fuese ese deseo, a un asceta le resultaba a menudo muy difícil liberarse del mundo material.
They were very strong and there were a great many strands, and soon he saw that it would be hopeless to attempt to liberate himself.
Eran fuertes y daban muchas vueltas, y pronto vio que sería inútil intentar liberarse.
It was a miserable and frustrating business, but he persevered, reminding himself all the while that this was how he was going to liberate himself from the chains of financial anxiety.
Era algo frustrante y desdichado, pero perseveró, recordándose en todo momento que de aquel modo iba a liberarse de las cadenas de la preocupación económica.
“For God’s sake, Chip,” he said loudly, because he sensed that this might be his last chance to liberate himself before he lost all contact with that clarity and power and it was therefore crucial that Chip understand exactly what he wanted.
—Por el amor de Dios, Chip —dijo en voz alta, porque se daba cuenta de que aquélla podía ser su última oportunidad de liberarse, antes de perder por completo el contacto con la claridad y la capacidad, y era por consiguiente indispensable que Chip comprendiera exactamente lo que quería—.
But when he became a psychiatric patient, he healed faster than many others with less obvious stories of abuse. How could this man, who had endured unspeakable cruelty in his childhood and youth, liberate himself so readily from his symptoms?
Sin embargo, cuando empezó un tratamiento psiquiátrico, su estado mejoró mucho más rápido que el de sus compañeros de infortunio, cuyas historias personales presentaban abusos menos espectaculares «¿Cómo pudo ese hombre, víctima de tantas crueldades en su infancia y juventud, liberarse tan rápidamente de sus síntomas?
And, as I ruminated, it began to grow clear to me, the mystery of his pilgrimage, the flight which the poet makes over the face of the earth and then, as if he had been ordained to re-enact a lost drama, the heroic descent to the very bowels of the earth, the dark and fearsome sojourn in the belly of the whale, the bloody struggle to liberate himself, to emerge clean of the past, a bright, gory sun-god cast up on an alien shore.
Y, mientras cavilaba, empezó a aclarárseme el misterio de su peregrinación, el vuelo que el poeta hace sobre la faz de la tierra y después, como si le hubieran ordenado representar un drama perdido, el heroico descenso hasta las propias entrañas de la tierra, la tenebrosa y temible estancia en el vientre de la ballena, la sangrienta lucha por liberarse, por salir limpio del pasado, un dios sol brillante y sangriento reflejado en una playa extraña.
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