Translation for "remind her" to spanish
Remind her
Translation examples
And remind her, remind them both of our closeness.
Y recordarle, recordarle de nuestra cercanía.
I’d like to remind her she said that.
Me gustaría recordarle que había dicho eso.
Still, he had reminded her of the tunnel.
Con eso no había hecho más que recordarle el túnel.
‘That’s to remind her, this bed is mine.
Lo hago para recordarle que ésa es mi cama.
She didn’t want to remind her about Danny.
No quería recordarle lo de Danny.
I wanted to remind her of our conversation, how she’d said I was thoughtful.
Quería recordarle nuestra conversación, recordarle que me había dicho que yo era pensativa.
It's only reminding her of what she hasn't got."
Sólo sirve para recordarle todo lo que no tiene.
He wasn’t my friend, I want to remind her.
No era mi amigo, tengo ganas de recordarle.
I had to remind her who you were.
He tenido incluso que recordarle quién era usted.
I’d forgotten to remind her about the door again.
Había olvidado de nuevo recordarle lo de la puerta.
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