Translation for "wine and water" to spanish
Wine and water
Translation examples
The court found that the defendant had not lost its right to rely on the non-conformity of the wine even though the defendant did not examine the wine for water after delivery (articles 35, 38 and 39 CISG).
El tribunal consideró que el demandado no había perdido su derecho a invocar la falta de conformidad del vino a pesar de no haber comprobado si el vino tenía agua tras realizarse la entrega (artículos 35, 38 y 39 de la CIM).
go together in the darkness, with what seems important to a child's heart, take a seat at the head table with seriousness, pour wine and water with wisdom, cast pearls, great or worthless, with nostalgia and wear old clothes?
Que caminemos juntos por el precipicio. Que parezcamos importantes con nuestro corazón infantil. Que nos sentemos con seriedad a la mesa y bebamos vino y agua con sabiduría.
You can't even distinguish between wine and water, and yet you keep drinking like this?
No puedes diferenciar entre vino y agua, y aun así sigues bebiendo tanto.
Thus did he persuade them, Promising paradise, he gave his followers, A potent draught, and whilst they slept Transported them to - a vale where Streams of milk and honey, wine and water, flowed.
Los persuadía prometiéndoles el paraíso, les daba una potente droga y mientras dormían les transportaba a un valle, donde corrientes de leche y miel, de vino y agua fluían...
For it contained wine, not water.
Porque contenía vino, no agua.
“Want more wine, not water.”
Yo quiero más vino, no agua.
—Water into wine, wine into water.
—Agua en vino, vino en agua.
Would you like some of this wine and water?
¿Te apetece un poco de vino con agua?
Our waiter is back, offering wine and water.
Nuestro camarero ha vuelto, y nos ofrece vino y agua.
There was no wine, only water and a bluish watery milk.
No había vino, sólo agua y una leche de color algo azulado.
There was no beer or wine, just water, Edeard saw.
Edeard vio que no había cerveza ni vino, sólo agua.
Io brought wine and water when I was through;
Io trajo vino y agua una vez que hube terminado;
she asked, pouring wine and water into precious vessels.
– preguntó mientras servía vino y agua en preciosos vasos-.
There was a patter of liquid — wine or water, she supposed —and a louder outburst of laughter.
Hubo un repiqueteo de liquido -vino o agua, supuso- y una fuerte carcajada.
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